
Openvpn For Mac

In this guide I will show you how to connect your Apple MAC to any VPN service that’s using the OpenVPN protocol. OpenVPN is a fast, stable and secure protocol and most VPN service providers will support it. ‎OpenVPN Connect is the official full-featured iPhone/iPad VPN client for the OpenVPN Access Server and OpenVPN Community, developed by OpenVPN Technologies, Inc. Features:. Easily import.ovpn profiles from iTunes, OpenVPN Access Server or via a browser link. State-of-the-art power management.

Oct 16, 2019  Mac OS X Clients and Installation¶ There are three client options for Mac OS X.: The OpenVPN command line client. Most users prefer a graphical client, so this option will not be covered. Tunnelblick, a free option available for download at the Tunnelblick Website. Tunnelblick provides free, user-friendly control of OpenVPN client connections for macOS. Download the recommended OpenVPN server's configuration file from this page: To begin the installation of OpenVPN for macOS, navigate to your Downloads folder and double. Connect to OpenVPN servers with a free, open source and secure client. Additional integration available when connecting to a Pritunl server. OpenVPN is a full-featured SSL VPN solution which can accomodate a wide range of configurations, including remote access, site-to-site VPNs, WiFi security,. OpenVPN (OS X) for Mac.

Tunnelblick is a free, open source graphic user interface for OpenVPN® on macOS. It provides easy control of OpenVPN client and/or server connections.

It comes as a ready-to-use application with all necessary binaries and drivers (including OpenVPN, easy-rsa, and tun/tap drivers). No additional installation is necessary — just add your OpenVPN configuration and encryption information.

To use Tunnelblick you need access to a VPN server: your computer is one end of the tunnel and the VPN server is the other end. For more information, see Getting VPN Service.

Tunnelblick is free software licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2 and may be distributed only in accordance with the terms of that license.

OpenVPN is a registered trademark of OpenVPN Inc.

These instructions may seem arcane and complex but they’re really easy if you just follow along step by step. Donald Burr of Otaku No Podcast ( created all of these instructions in text form, Allison just created the ScreenSteps tutorial!

I’ll be focusing on using a Mac on your home network using an Airport Extreme Router (of course any router will work but the screenshots will be for the Airport). If you have a router capable of installing the Tomato Router Firmware, you should look at Donald’s full instructions because you may not need to use a Mac at all for this, your router can do it all. See Donald’s notes for other options.

Read Donald’s instructions > here.

If you’d rather download this manual for easy off line reference, click here.

If you’ve installed the VPN Server but would like to UNinstall it, click here for instructions.
If you can connect to your VPN server but can’t get outside your network, click here.

Let’s get started already!

SECTION 1 – Setting Up a Static IP for the Server on the LAN Side

These instructions should be completed on the machine that will become the VPN server.

Open Network Preferences

Select Advanced

Copy the Mac Address

Open AirPort Utility

Click on your router, in my case it’s called White Dart.

Select Enter Router Password

Enter your password when prompted and click OK.

Select Edit

Select the Network Tab and Click the + Button

Paste in the Mac Address You Copied Earlier

Select Update

Select Continue

Openvpn For Mac Install

Quit Airport Utility when this operation completes.

SECTION 2 – Creating Account at

Navigate to and select Sign Up.

Create a Username and Password

Enter your Email address. Note the host name shown which is free, but if you want to pay you can get more options. Scroll down to the bottom of the page.

Select Sign Up

Email Confirmation Will be Sent

Click the Link in the Email

Openvpn For Mac

Download the Update Client

This client will run in the background and check to see if your IP address has changed, and if it has, will send it to

Download and Install the Client

Tunnelblick Mac

Enter Your Account Info You Just Created

This menu should pop up automatically.

Click OK

Click on Hosts and Check the Box Next to the Host Name You Chose

It may take a few moments for the host name you selected at to show up. Make sure you note this name, you’ll need it later.

Select Update Now

Turn on the Daemon

I chose this rather than running the application in the background all the time.

SECTION 3 – Installing Xcode and Running Command Line Tools

Install Xcode

Install Java

Xcode only installs the standalone Java, and it does NOT include the Java Web plugin that has been the subject of so many security vulnerabilities lately.

Select Install Next to Command Line Tools

Wait till the installation finishes and quit X-Code

Type xcodebuild -license to Open the License Agreement

Start Hitting the Space Bar to Scroll Through the EULA – A LOT of Times

Type Agree

Type agree

Joy of Agreement

SECTION 4 – Installing MacPorts

Navigate to and scroll to the bottom to download the installer file for your OS.

Install MacPorts

Enter These Commands in the Terminal

To run the self update to Macports enter:

and enter your administrator password


Openvpn For Mac Os X Download

Open the VPN Software


and watch a lot of glop go by…

SECTION 5 – Installing Tuntap Drivers

Download tuntap drivers from

Open the Package File (in the folder after tuntap expands)

Gatekeeper won’t let you just double click on the installer package (it will complain that it is from an unknown source), you have to right click on the installer package and choose “open”.

SECTION 6 – Donald’s Nifty Scripts of Doom

Download Donald’s scripts from:

Type These Commands to Unarchive the Scripts

Setting Up OpenVPN Server

We’re now going to run Donald’s scripts. Enter this command:

Name your Server (I’ve entered kyles-mac-vpn)
Enter the dynamic dns host name you noted back on (you DID note it, right?)

Keep Answering Questions

The first time through you need to answer these. These steps will be duplicated MANY times, but after this the answers will be there and you can simply hit Enter for each questions.

Hit Enter for All These Questions for an RSA Key

And Again for Some Reason

Keep Answering…

And Again

And Again…


Enter passphrase and password as many times as they ask for it!

Finder Window Opens Showing config-files

Copy this file to Dropbox. It will be the first connection file you test. It would be good to name it something associated with the device on which you’ll use it (you’ll be creating one of these for each of your devices).

Create a New VPN Connection Document for Each Device You Have

In Terminal, enter:

Openvpn For Macos Server

where connection-name means something to you for each different device you’ll want to connect to the VPN server. Move each of these files to Dropbox to be picked up on your devices.

Openvpn For Mac Os X Yosemite

SECTION 7 – Opening up UDP Port 1194

Open Airport Utility again, select your Airport again, Select Edit again. Select the Network tab, and select the + under Port Settings

Enter Information As Shown

Select Update

Wait until your Airport updates.

SECTION 8 – Install VPN Software on iOS

Download OpenVPN Connect from the iTunes App Store.

Open Dropbox

Find the file you created and moved into Dropbox and tap on it.

Select the Open In Button in the Bottom Right

Select Open in OpenVPN

Click the Green Plus Button to Import the File

Enter the Password

Enter the Password you created in the creation of the file, and tap the Save switch to turn it on. Finally tap the Off Switch to Connect to the VPN.


SECTION 9 – Install VPN Software on OSX

Two options for a VPN application on the Mac. Donald recommended Viscosity from which is $9 per Mac.

Openvpn For Mac Sierra

After the show Dr. Matt suggested the free TunnelBlick from I installed both and they both work well. This tutorial will be for Viscosity, but if you try Tunnelblick you have to do one thing to make it work. In the Settings, Configuration tab, select Advanced and then uncheck the box to use TunnelBlick’s tun/tap drivers.

Let’s keep going with Viscosity as our example.

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Install Viscosity

Openvpn For Macbook

Click on the icon for Viscosity in the menubar and choose Preferences.

In the Connection Tab Click on the Plus Button at the Bottom

Select Import Connection From File…

Navigate to the File You Created for This Device

In my case I called it alsmac so I could tell which one to open

Connection Imported

Connect Using Menu Bar App

Enter the Password You Created

No clue which one of the 198 I entered, luckily I typed the same one over and over again.

Fleeting Notification of Connection

To test mine at home I used a Mifi so I was on a different network.

Use the Menubar Icon to Disconnect When You’re Through

Openvpn For Mac

If you want to prove to yourself that you’re on VPN – go to before and after you VPN and you’ll find that your IP changes to your home IP. Congratulations!